Thursday, April 11, 2019

Solemn High Mass

Tonight the priest from Saint Josaphat parish in Bayside said Mass at my local Church. I went with mom and dad. The choir and servers came over. It was a Solemn High Mass. I was not used to it because I have only been to a few High Masses in my life. I prefer the Low Mass I am used to but the singing was nice. It was a mixed choir with an organist. The priest talked about the altar rail and kneeling for Communion and how there would be no Communion in the hand. My father complained about the priest facing towards the altar and not the people and how he was mumbling and that nobody knew what was going on. And I said if you are used to it you know what was going on. And he admitted he knew what was going on when he has been to only a few Latin Masses in the last fifty years, though he missed the Pater Noster. People are not idiots.

They had little paper Missals with the prayers in it for the laity, though I was not used to the choir. It was a pleasant experience. I have had dreams of attending a Latin Mass at my local parish and now I did for the first time in waking life. People at my SSPX chapel talk about Saint Josaphat sometimes. They say how it is trying to be the Holy Innocents of the Diocese of Brooklyn with the Latin Mass every Sunday.

Tonight there were two altars. The Novus Ordo altar was in the front covered with purple and the high altar with little decoration was against the wall with six candles and the tabernacle and altar cards. I am glad to have been. The singing was beautiful.
