Monday, July 27, 2020

Raid: Shadow Legends

If you watch Youtube in your spare time as I do, you may have seen advertisements for a game called "Raid: Shadow Legends". I see it all the time. It is a video game you play on your phone, and now you can play it on your computer as well. Curious, I looked for information about it. Apparently it is made by a company owned by a casino company. The game is terrible, but they pay people who own popular Youtube channels thousands of dollars to promote their game in addition to buying Youtube advertising. If you play the game they say you are constantly asked to spend real money to buy upgrades and items for your video game characters. This makes it very hard to do good in the game without buying things with real money. For example, to get a powerful sword you can pay 20 dollars, or you can go around playing the game, fighting monsters for three days in hopes of finding that sword. Often when you buy upgrades to your weapons it is random, as in you have a one in five chance of upgrading your item and if you do not get lucky the money is wasted. It seems like a real scam. And the game is also not supposed to be very good or fun, though it may be addictive. I watched a few people speaking about how the game is terrible and how the company offered them thousands of dollars to promote the game, but they declined. The advertisements I see are cringe-worthy.

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