Tuesday, September 3, 2019

The Wedding

Father told me that I could go to the wedding so I went. I have never noticed such a subversion of the natural order as at that wedding. It was a Unitarian wedding of a Unitarian and an apostate Russian Orthodox and the minister who presided was a woman. The songs were pop music played on a classical guitar by the pied piper of the evening. I pointed out that one song was by Elton John and my brother said I was right, it was "Your Song". The Bride's Father was wearing a pink suit and was the most hen-pecked man I have ever noticed. The step-mother was balding and looked like a witch. Everything was upside down. It came to mind how one of the greatest curses is the curse to be ruled by women. On the way back at the rest stop there was what looked like a lesbian couple abusing two babies. I felt for the babies. Such monstrosities are "legal" now. I looked at the babies and smiled at them. What should I do when such things are supported by the force of law?

I am now fond of praying the Office of the Dead in front of the tabernacle in Church. The living, the living, pray to you as I do this day. Let the dead bury the dead. Often I feel as if I live among the dead and that all of the people I see are dead an nobody lives, except for a few good souls and the little children. I love little children and know that when I see them they are either little angels or little doves. The angels are the baptized and the doves are the unbaptized.

At the wedding I thought the queen was young Nicolina. I told Michael and he asked why not the other baby, Alexandria or Sasha? And I told him because she is not yet Baptized. The Christening is on September 8th. I am not sure if we are going yet. My mother wants to go. My father does not. I would rather go to Mass in the City than go to an Orthodox Christening. But I can witness the birth of a soul to the life of God, and can pray that she gets out of Orthodoxy and into Catholicism and see the angels come down from heaven to bless one of the little ones and welcome her into the kingdom of heaven with her older sister, Nicolina.

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