Sunday, April 5, 2020

The Iron Crown of Lombardy

This is lovely holy card. I do think so. I have my trinkets and my pictures. I like looking at them. She is my favorite saint, you know. My sweet love. She is a friend. I Hope to meet her one day. I am always talking to her. She has never visited me in a vision or a dream. But once I had a dream about her. I spoke to her in a dream, but I did not see her. When I remember, at night before I go to bed I pray to her and one of my prayers is to ask her to visit me in my dreams and for me to remember her. The prayer has not yet been answered.

This is another holy card I love. I printed out ten copies and distributed them to my brother and my friends at Church. And I put one on the wall of my bedroom. Which one do you think is more beautiful? Gemma was the most beautiful girl who ever lived other than the Blessed Mother. Even if you do not agree, it is true to me.

The Iron Crown of Lombardy. The legend is that it is made in part from one of the nails used in the crucifixion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

I am so happy to have all my holy cards of Gemma. They are among my precious relics (and eight of them contain third class relics of my dear one, third class relics being things that have been touched to first class relics, so they are like a holy contagion). I have my crucifix and my sorrowful mother, which are in the girl's room now. And I have my pictures of Gemma. They are better than the Bible. And I have my Rosaries. And I have my missals and my holy books.

I do miss going to Church for the Latin Mass. And talking to my friends after Mass. And going to Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction at the local Catholic parishes. I am an odd person. I don't know anyone who is like me in their beliefs and practices. But I have friends who are similar, but not the same. Nobody would approve of me, but I try to do what is right.

I am listening to a podcast of sorts with Charles Coulombe on Sensus Fidelium. He asked how come Churches are not essential, but abortions are essential? He said other things also. I like him a bit. I don't really agree with anyone, including him, but he is from LA. I guess. I used to watch his Tumblar House Off the Menu talks, but I got disillusioned with him after a while. The general tendency to think that anyone who has any relevance in the world is compromised. The thought that to become famous you have to be a hypocrite. They say modern man has little tolerance for hypocrisy. I don't know. Judge not, but judge justly. I love you, Gemma, please pray for me. All I want is to be with you forever.

Nodody loves me. I hope Gemma loves me. I hope God loves me. They always say He loves everyone, but He hated Esau. Maybe I am another Esau. Maybe my family loves me. I don't know. They don't understand me. How I want to go to Church sometimes and sometimes drink beer. I don't know. 

I wonder if aurora loves me. Does she know who I am? Does she see me through the glass when I feed her? I am fond of aurora, perhaps I even love her. I love you aurora. I am watching her swim around the tank and do what I think she loves to do more than anything else, other than eating, because she is often doing it, picking up the green gravel into her mouth and spitting it out. I do not know why she does this. Perhaps there is some algae growing on the gravel that she eats or something.

I just changed the filter for the fish tank. It was the last one. So now I will have to buy more. I have to decide if I will buy it online or go to the pet store. I heard amazon is shipping non-essential items slowly, but there are lines to get into the pet store.

Let it be known, I don't trust Michael Voris. Have a good day.

I went to the Spanish bakery this morning and bought two egg rolls. One for me and one for my mother. I wore a mask and gloves. I toasted the roll and put butter and apricot preserves on it. It was lovely. A little worldly happiness this morning.

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