Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Lepanto Conference


I might go to this. I have never been to anything like it in my life. I told some people at Church about it and I did not get an answer if any of them were going. But perhaps if I went I could meet new people. And a Latin Mass said by a Cardinal (and one of the more conservative ones) though Julian would probably say he is not even a real priest. Would there be nice people there? I don't know, but I am kind of a hermit with few friends. I don't have many events in my life (but going to Church for the Latin Mass is wonderful and the best part of my week). And this is an event with going to Church so it may be wonderful. I will tell people about it on Sunday and see if anyone wants to go. I have never been to an ecumenical meeting among traditionalists, though. Would they consider me a schismatic and shun me? Or maybe this event is made for rich people, though the suggested donation is only ten dollars. Last year seven hundred people came for the Mass. There will be good singing as it will be the highest of all the high Masses I have ever attended. As a Cardinal, only the Mass of a Pope would be higher and there haven't been any Latin Masses by Popes since the Novus Ordo replaced the Old Mass fifty years ago. Too bad I don't have a date to bring as I am always alone.

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